Get in Touch
Want to get in touch elsewhere but don't want to email me for whatever reason? That's cool, I'm usually open to accepting friend requests and PM's. Drop me a line at any of the websites below.
My Profiles:
The original Flash portal. Home to some of the most creative people on the internet and all of your favourite shitty Flash animations and games from 2008.
A horrible shithole of a microblogging platform that used to be cool 10+ years ago. I've been here since 2007, but I rarely post anything anymore.
A pastebin. No, the Pastebin. I sometimes dump old projects here, but I'm mostly inactive these days.
My ancient YouTube channel from 2005 that I rarely upload anything to, but when I do, it's usually unscripted rant-like videos about topics I'm interested in, or just spur the moment videos about random things I feel like sharing with friends.
Sheezy Art
A small independent art site, initially came about in the early 2000's, died, came back, died again, and is now back for a third time. Much smaller than deviantArt.
My recently made R*ddit account I created after spending more than 20 years actively avoiding making one. I sometimes post about Tissot watches in a few subs, or rant about old Habbo Hotel stuff. Not really much of interest, but it's here if you want to cyberstalk me.