
Hey, I'm Snooper.

I'm just a dude who's been online forever. In my time OTI, I've done everything from tampering with virtual worlds, participating in managing several large online communities (some of which you might have heard of), and creating a handful of websites (most of which you probably haven't heard of).

If you've somehow found your way here on purpose, then there's a relatively good chance that you were pointed here by my slightly more well-known project, Peelopaalu where I shared obscure, interesting, and sometimes outright weird websites I found in my travels around the Internet. Although this project is currently on an indefinite hiatus, there are over 1,000 websites currently listed, should you want to check it out.

These days, I tend to be much more inactive online in general. I am on socialmedia, but I rarely (if ever) post anything to it, and I am now at a stage where I very rarely update my websites. I've found myself increasingly disenchanted with the state of the modern Internet, and I prefer to keep off of it as much as possible, and I would suggest you do the same.
